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Overhand grip (also pronated grip)
When you grab a horizontal bar in a traditional workout, you force your wrists, shoulders or both to leave their natural, basic position.
These unnatural grip angles (overhand and underhand) stress your joints and ligaments.
Yet despite these drawbacks, conventional fitness programs still focus on pull exercises that require exactly these two unnatural grip positions!
Underhand grip (also supinated grip)
“A horizontal grip angle … and the associated maximal supination or pronation are the main cause for elbow problems.”
Neutral grip (palms facing each other)
Using Angles90, you enjoy two natural, more ergonomic grip positions for injury prevention and better muscle strength. For the best results use these grips as follows:
- Pull-ups and lat pulldowns: Rotate from the overhand- to the underhand grip.
- Deadlifts and shrugs: Use a neutral grip or gently rotating grip.
- Barbell or machine rows: Start rotating either from the overhand or the underhand grip.
Rotating grip (from the overhand- to the underhand grip)