Angles90 Copycat Differences
Copycats of Angles90
Which morals people follow that support companies which illegally steal product ideas from young people who risked money, time and sweat for development and patenting is the one thing.
The other thing is how different the products actually turn out in terms of quality and security. After extensive tests, we came up with six characteristics that make the copycat product look and especially feel inferior.
- More slippery: Their surface material is much more slippery than the one of Angles90. The heavier you go in your workouts, the more this becomes an issue. Already when doing pull-ups you can feel the described effect.
- Strap gets longer over time: Only a few strap materials on the market keep their original size and length after extensive usage - and our copycat doesn't use them! In fact, already after a few workout sessions, its strap gets longer which makes certain exercises no longer possible.
- Already longer! The strap already is longer than ours for approximately 5cm (2 inches). This decreases your range of motion at lat pulldowns and deadlifts simply too much. At the same time, the now longer straps come with no advantage.
- Security issue 1: The sewing part. As you can see in the picture, they made the sewed part of the strap too long, so that once you pull the strap from the other side, the sewed parts get directly pushed towards the thinner slits of the handle. This results in a greatly inhibited longevity of the sewing (= the weakest part of the product anyway!).
- Security issue 2: Max. weight? It sounded very suspiscious to us that the company states the exact same max. resistance like we do (180kg per grip). Why: Not only do we use other materials as previously mentioned, but also we read about reviews stating the straps of the copied product snatched.
- Overall bad manufacturing: For the sake of making this report as objective as possible, we must also add that at least the aestethic imperfections visible in the first comparison picture above, did not imply in a worse product functionality.
By the way, we can safely generalize these six comparisons because there is actually only one copycat out there. They just put different brand names on its product.
"If you have the patent, why don't you stop them?"
Well, we do. We stopped many of its resellers already. However, since they don't really hurt us too much right now, we just take our time with sueing the producer. After all, the more they sell, the more we will back win later at the court.
Finally, please don't let yourself get fooled by countless fake product reviews (luckily they are easily recognizable). Also don't get fooled by those people who post the copycat product, but then tag us and pretend to be real Angles90 users. (Needless to say, they do it to brag with something they don't have).
A little hint: If there is a white lettering on the strap, it's a fake Angles90 grip.